District's Engineer: TxDOT Hwy 146 Project Updates
December 19, 2024
Hwy 146 West Side
Cobb Fendley the utility coordinator for TxDOT has the plan set that I left in the office last meeting. We added a Traffic Control Plan to show traffic movement with Jasper Closed and then with Mile closed while the bores are being done. Other than that, change, nothing else has changed. TxDOT has not reviewed the west side yet, but I expect to hear something this week from Cobb Fendley concerning the review.
TCYC Water Line Relocte
Richard & Leif Putnam have planned for Leif to relocate the water line I believe sometime this week. Last I spoke with Leif because it was raining so he was waiting for the weather to clear before he starts.
Hwy 146 East Side
East side plans are complete for the water line. Stomp’s may be fed water from Jasper. Richard and I will be working to determine exactly where the east side water line can be tied back into Jasper, we have a couple of options.
The Sanitary Sewer is currently being planned to be installed in the Miller Easement. This easement needs to be cleared, and an actual boundary & corners set defining the easement. Some of the easement is currently in backyards of residents from my review. I suggest that Richard contact High Tide Surveying and have them determine the boundaries and set the corners of the Miller easement. Once that is complete then it needs to be cleared.
Prior to doing the survey I would also suggest that the District contact the property owners and let them know that a surveyor will be doing a survey to establish where the easement it relative to their respective property.
Miles Lift Station
Rich has cleared the lift station site and OEI has completed the topographic survey. The site plan is currently being developed for the proposed improvements.
CWSRF – Clean Water (Sewer)
This is CWSRF & DWSRF application time. We have been extremely successful with a small water district called Commodore Cove close to Freeport. For the past 4 years they have successfully secured $300,000 in grant funds each year for drinking water improvements. Applications are due at Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) by March 31. I would like to submit on both DWSRF & CWSRF to see if we can secure grant proceeds for the District. It doesn’t cost anything to apply!